Leader's mental health program
A successful return to work

A successful return to work
starts with controlling self-sabotage

Several surveys show that managers are afraid to ask for help, fearing that they will be judged as weak or incompetent. This apprehension can intensify after an absence due to mental health problems. Before and during their gradual return, it's a good idea to offer them the support of an expert who has overcome similar experiences and understands their fears. In complete confidentiality and in collaboration with the human resources team, M-J will play a key role in the successful reintegration of your leaders into the workplace.

Stigmatization Fear Judgments Perceptions


The power of mental health peer support on the road to recovery is well established. Those who provide support are living proof that it is possible to regain self-esteem and autonomy. 


Confronting one's own judgment, that of others, the workload, and the human resources department to identify and clarify needs can be anxiety-provoking. An external interlocutor, rich in experience, can prepare the leader to communicate better.


Self-criticism, judgment, emotions, perceptions and cognitive biases play an essential role in the development of emotional intelligence. Scientific research has demonstrated a clear link between emotional quotient (EQ) and mental health. Make sure your leader has the right EQ.

Leader's Mental Health Program - Successful return to work

Mental health statistics show that a depressed person has a 50% chance of relapse when returning to work. To improve the chances of success, self-stigmatization and self-sabotage need to be controlled. which combines the concepts of peer support, mentoring and emotional intelligence.

The power of peer support in mental health on the path of recovery is well established. Being able to connect confidentially with an individual who has a similar experience with mental health challenges and who also understands the reality of a leader at work allows for the creation of a unique connection. The peer supporter is living proof that it is possible to regain self-esteem, self-determination and empowerment  With hope and the right guidance, it becomes possible to reframe anxious thoughts or disabling perceptions without judgment.

Preparing for a successful return to work requires, in addition to medical specifics, the ability to identify and recognize the needs of the leader. Worry, guilt and many other feelings can delay or confuse a return to work. There's also the fear of looking bad in the eyes of immediate supervisors, colleagues or HR managers. In this program, we will ensure that the emotions influencing the identification of needs are well aligned with reality, so that they can be communicated appropriately, while respecting individual and organizational needs.

Measuring the Leader's EQ serves the purpose of identifying where emotional intelligence needs improvement so they will be better equipped to deal with those factors that can trigger a relapse. for example:  knowing how to differentiate one's emotions from those of others, empathy towards oneself and others, conflict resolution, resilience, etc. Training sessions with coaching will be offered in relation to the results.

MJ guides the leader in implementing best management practices, resolving conflicts, establishing healthy collaboration with colleagues and employees, and setting the guidelines needed to maintain psychological health and that of others. E.g.: Mentoring offered in relation to managerial issues perceived by the leader, so that the latter can regain his or her power to act. In other words, to be able to improve without fear of a negative perception of their competence.


*TYPE OF DIAGNOSIS: Depression and/or Burn-out

FOR: CEO, Vice President or Director

*Please note that the offer cannot cover any other type of diagnosis since, according to the principles of peer support, M-J only has experience with major depression and burn-out.

A total of approximately 25 hours spread over a period of 3 to 12 months (depending on operational agendas).

The goal is to give a leader every opportunity to experience a successful return to work, while strengthening his or her path to a lasting recovery. This program does not replace therapy or medical follow-up. It does, however, provide guidance, share hope through a similar experience and equip the leader to regain control of his or her professional life.

Why EI: Research has found a strong association between higher measures of EI and mental health. In addition, higher levels of EI have been shown to provide increased resilience to negative life events.

Please note that this program will not be used to determine the leader's competence. It will be used to improve the leader's chances of success and to maintain a sustainable recovery. All information will remain confidential.

After depression or burn-out
Is a career possible?

Keeping in mind that every depression is unique, M-J is living proof that it is possible to have a career following this type of diagnosis.

There's still a lot of stigma attached to psychological challenges in the workplace, especially for those in leadership positions. But what M-J understood was that the first stigma we need to fight is the one we have towards ourselves.

Why invest in a leader diagnosed with burn-out or depression?

Here's M-J's answer to decision-makers who ask this question: "This leader will probably be better equipped than his colleagues to face adversity. Life is currently forcing him to discover his own limits, to recognize them and to face up to them. At the same time, he or she is discovering the human side of the leadership role. It's definitely worth investing and believing in an individual who wants to pursue his career! "

Following her depression, M-J's career as a production leader continued successfully until she turned down offers of vice-presidency in operations. She chose to pursue another dream, that of helping her colleagues not to make the same mistakes she did, those that insidiously lead to a psychological health diagnosis or create a toxic environment at work.

With several years' study behind her to understand the ins and outs of her depression, M-J agreed to work with a firm specializing in peer support. After adding material on emotions to their training, she rolled out their peer support program, while innovating on several other fronts:

  • Creation of a survey and four-step process to implement in organisations the National Standard of Canada on Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace,
  • Creation of workshops for national union entities so that union representatives know how to preserve their own mental health,
  • Creation and implementation of a program for the Canadian federal government to help managers better support their employees dealing with mental health challenges,
  • Speaker and published author of a book on depression and hyperperformance.

M-J continues to innovate with programs and services designed to combat toxic work environments and strengthen the emotional intelligence of managers and entrepreneurs. In 2023, this expertise was consolidated by the award of two certifications in applied neuroscience, among others.

Leadership Strategist and Executive Coach,
Occupational Health Specialist, Speaker and Author