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In 2019, Marie-Josée Michaud was very pleased with the selection and publication of her book "80 Heures par semaine, quand l'hyperperformance devient toxique" by the publishing house LaSemaine. The book received favorable attention from several media: La Presse, Le Journal de Montréal /Québec, various television and radio networks. Available in bookstores in Canada and Europe as well as on the major online sales platforms.


A book for high achievers with a capital "P"...who want to avoid or recover from depression with a capital "D".

A former manager in the fields of security, aeronautics and public transportation, and a single mother, Marie-Josée Michaud testifies to her personal and professional downfall, caused by hyper performance, the quest for perfection and the fear of peer judgment. She tells how, in 2005, she had to change her lifestyle and her perception of performance in order to regain her balance. 

Through her testimony and teachings, the author, who is now a strategist and speaker on psychological health in the workplace, explains, among other things, what it means to manage emotions and the ego, as well as resilience and letting go. The author also provides the reader with avenues of reflection and tools to prevent him or her from falling into the spiral of hyper performance.

Who is this book for?

Interview with MJ


I just finished reading your book. I loved it and it will become a bible for me. I have been off sick for a year and was known to be a very strong leader. There were signs that I overlooked for years. Your book will help me when I return to work. I wanted to thank you for making a real difference in my life!
A book to read if you are working long hours to achieve your personal standards of perfection. Includes exercises to identify your own solutions, without blame. For me, this read fell right in line with a work situation!
Congratulations on your book. Following an absence from work, the book really helped me regain my confidence, facing my very imminent return to work! Thank you for being an inspiration to those women who, by the nature of their role in this world, are of great influence.
Julie B.